How do I create contacts in Agentero?

Contacts in Agentero can be created in several ways.


From the contacts page

You can manually create contacts directly from the contacts page using our Create button located on the top. A different set of fields will be required depending on whether the new contact is commercial or personal.

From the opportunities page

You can also create a contact simultaneously at opportunity creation.

Using our integrations

The integrations page contains several methods you can use to create contacts.

AMS integration

Connect your Agency Management System. See the list of supported AMSs here.

Contact upload file

This option allows you to upload Excel files containing your Contacts' information. From here you can download an Excel file template for both personal and commercial contacts for you to fill in with your contact’s information. Just click on 'Select contact file', choose the file in your local machine and then click on 'Upload file'. In less than one hour, your data should be loaded in Agentero.


Contact your sales representative to integrate your systems with Agentero using Zapier.